Minimalism for Fall and Winter

Minimalism for Fall and Winter

Fall and winter are undeniably magical times for making memories! Intentionally or not, we tend to accumulate more during this season: gifts from loved ones, decoration for the holidays, extra things we purchase to prepare for parties and family dinners. This year we encourage you to take a different approach to start 2020 off feeling fresh, light and bright! Read on for some of our ideas to incorporate the spirit of minimalism into your fall and winter.

At its core, minimalism isn’t just about having less; it’s about getting the most enjoyment and purpose from what you already have and avoiding the burden of excess in all ways. If we’re thinking in terms of the coming holidays, we can zero in on two main areas of risk for overwhelm: home decor and gifts. Do you need to forgo these things altogether in favor of a stoic, ultra-clean home? Absolutely not! What we’re learning to do today is approach holiday celebrations with intention.

Home Décor

Ambience is everything.

You can get the biggest bang for your buck with atmospheric elements like light and sound. When you think of Christmas the lights are a given, but don’t forget the soundtrack! What music gets you in the cozy Christmas mood? Holiday jazz from Bing Crosby and Frank Sinatra are safe bets, as are traditional Christmastime hymns. Streaming services abound with curated holiday playlists from the standards to the contemporary for every kind of celebration. You can warm up a room instantly with soft music and lighting. If you’re the crafty type, it couldn’t be easier to Mod Podge tissue paper over a repurposed jar to create the perfect candleholder.

Minimalism for Fall and Winter - Jar Lights
Minimalism for Fall and Winter - Decor

Set the scene efficiently.

As far as additional decoration, hear us out: you don’t have to decorate every square inch of your home! Rather, choose a few key “zones” to decorate. Places you’ll see often like the entryway, kitchen and mantel are prime seasonal real estate. Be mindful in your decoration placement: you can create subtle accent hangings, or just use a few key larger pieces. You can even make one large focal point such as a colorful garland hanging at the mantel, festoon it with ornaments and call it a day. Consider decorating for seasons rather than for specific holidays. Decorate naturally and intentionally: think branches, boughs of greenery, berries and acorns to freshen up the air and transition seamlessly from one season to the next.

Decorate with what you treasure.

Part of the minimalist culture is keeping items in your home that 1. serve a purpose and 2. that you really love. If you decorate with what you truly value, it won’t be a drag. You’ll be more likely to lovingly put it all away at the end of the season rather than being tempted to throw it away or donate it..only to start all over again next year. In this way, decor becomes keepsakes that your family can remember fondly and even take for their own one day. Keep it meaningful! After all, it’s what this season is all about.


Minimalism for Fall and Winter - Gifts

Think quality over quantity.

Larger families can consider a Secret Santa-style exchange for gift-giving holidays, where everyone draws a name out of a hat for the person they’ll be buying for rather than purchasing gifts for everyone. It creates a special opportunity to really think about your “person” and what they would love and use regularly. This kind of gift exchange also cuts way down on clutter and excess on special occasions. “Quality over quantity” is the essence of minimalism and thoughtful gifting.

Wrap from the heart.

It can be surprisingly easy and fun to make your own wrapping paper! You can use brown kraft paper, old maps or even paper shopping bags; just flip inside out and decorate with a few swipes of metallic paint. It can be as intricate or simple as you like, and you can be assured that no one’s wrapped gifts will look just like yours. Alternatively, you can wrap small or delicate items in a decorative tea towel and some twine. Ditching the single-use wrapping paper and plastic tape minimizes waste and still looks nice.

Minimalism for Fall and Winter - Gift Wrap

Give what matters most.

Alternatively, consider gifting an experience rather than a tangible object. This could be anything from bowling passes and spa treatments to yoga classes or tickets to a movie, museum or concert. They won’t take up space in the recipient’s home and they’ll be able to treasure the memories for a long time to come. Speaking of time, the gift of your service can also be really thoughtful in the right situation. If your loved one is in need of help cleaning their home, babysitting their kids, painting a room in their home, consider giving the gifts of time and service to them.

Minimalism for Fall and Winter - Holiday Card

So, there you have it! The bottom line is that repurposing or creating your own home decor and gifts translates to less waste, less overwhelm and potentially more great memories. Your friends at Sofas and More wish you a warm, memorable holiday season with your loved ones! It is our wish that these tips for minimalism for fall and winter will help you move into the coming year feeling content and energized.

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