Family Activities to Do at Home

Family Activities to Do at Home - Featured 2
489 Views’ve been at home for a while and you’ve exhausted all of your fun-time, Pinterest-worthy ideas. The kids are starting to get what could kindly be called “antsy,” but accurately called something I couldn’t get permission to set to print. The struggle is beyond real and we are all there with you. Wait! Don’t resort to the #quarantinehaircut just yet! We’ve got some better ideas to tide you least for a little while. Settle in and check out our ideas for things to do at home..and actually have fun!

Board Game Night (But Updated!)

Yes, there are the old standbys like Monopoly, Clue and Uno. Consider breathing new life into your board game shelf with newer games like Betrayal at House on the Hill (infinitely replayable), Articulate!, Ticket to Ride (this one’s great for all ages) and Photosynthesis.

You can also extend game night beyond the confines of your own living room and reconnect with your loved ones! Jackbox Party Packs contain several games per pack you can stream on your laptop or smart TV and play using your phone. (In our opinion, Quiplash and Fibbage are must-haves.) If you get crafty, you can stream Jackbox over Zoom or Skype then rope friends and extended family into the fun.

Rearrange Your Space

Let’s face it—you’ve been seeing a lot of the same thing over the past few weeks. Rethink your layout in common areas—you can even get super-detailed with grid paper and measuring tape to test out ideas before you get into the heavy lifting. Remember back to your own childhood days when rearranging your bedroom made you feel like a brand new person. Now’s the time to let kids run wild with creative ideas for their bedroom furniture—if it doesn’t work out, you can always switch it back.

Construct a Mega-Fort

Hear us out: Giant. Blanket. Fort. We highly recommend moving the TV into the fort, serving up a batch of waffles and streaming a movie you’ve been meaning to check out. The twee little single-waffle maker is fun the first time, and the first time only. We learned that the hard way. Go for the big daddy Waffletron 6000.

Structurally, you can’t do wrong with incorporating a staircase in the mix. Railings provide great support and tie-off areas for blankets and sheets. careful, of course.

Family Activities to Do at Home - Fort

Prepare a Meal Together

Family Activities to Do at Home - Bake Together

Is the same person saddled with planning, preparing and executing meal prep every night? No, no more of that. At least for one meal, bring the whole family into the mix. Brainstorm a menu, assign different tasks (based on skill level if you’ve got tiny tots: dumping canned beans into a strainer might be the extent of their capacity) and cook together. Kids might even enjoy the meal more and try things to which they might typically be averse if they had a hand in putting it together. (Sprinkle in the “Wow, you did a great job! This tastes great!” liberally.) If you still haven’t cleaned up the Mega-Fort, throw down a few couch cushions and have an indoor picnic!

Craft Time: Make Slime!

Slime! It’s messy, yeah. But who cares at this point? No one’s panic-cleaned for visitors in weeks—all of our homes are disaster zones. (If yours isn’t, what’s your secret? I bet it’s no kids. Don’t tell me if it’s not.) This recipe (click for link) is easy and you can incorporate whatever glitter or tiny beads you have in your craft kit and have been meaning to get rid of anyway. Seal the final creations in Tupperware for the night to enjoy another day.

Family Activities to Do at Home - Slime

Color, Color, Color!

Family Activities to Do at Home - Chalk

No coloring books? No problem. There are plenty of resources to download printable coloring pages in whatever theme your kids’ heart may desire at the moment. (There are plenty that will strike an adult’s fancy as well, so feel free to get in on the fun!) A bespoke coloring book might hold kiddos’ attention far longer than your standard off-the-rack versions.

Take the party outside! If the weather is nice, now’s the perfect time for sidewalk chalk! The trend-of-the-moment is to lay out stained glass-window patterns in painter’s tape on the concrete (or wood-plank fence!), fill in the spaces and remove the tape for a beautiful work of art.

Have a Talent Show

No, they don’t have to be good—or even necessarily a “talent” in the technical sense. They just have to be fun. Post a sign-up sheet in a common area early in the afternoon to give participants time to rehearse (or discover a new talent) on their own time, then reconvene after dinner to show off everyone’s hard work!

Warning: This may devolve into bad karaoke night. That’s it’s own kind of fun, though. (Look, a two-for-one! I won’t even charge you extra for that one.)

Family Activities to Do at Home - Singing

Visit the Library..Via an App!

Family Activities to Do at Home - Kindle

Everybody intellectually knows it’s a great time to pursue learning and reading opportunities, but it can be hard to put those desires into practice. Luckily, your local library is right there at your fingertips! You can link your library card with the Libby app to download books and stream audiobooks to enjoy right from your device. Books are in higher demand right now, so go ahead and put several holds on items you’re interested in to get access in the coming weeks.

If you’re tired of looking at the same old furniture or just in need of some new (maybe more fort-conducive) pieces, definitely take a minute to browse some of our inventory online. We’re still open and here to serve you in different, safe and healthy ways. At this time we’re even offering in-person showroom viewings by appointment, so give us a call at (865) 922-4828 if you see something that strikes your fancy. We’d also like to thank you so much for being a part of our Sofas & More community. From our family to yours, we hope that you and your loved ones are staying well and happy. And of course, we hope that this post brought a smile to your face and a few good ideas to mind for family activities to do at home. We can’t wait to see you all again!

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