Celebrating From A Distance: A Very 2020 Holiday Guide

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We’ll skip the mincing of words: this year’s been a wild one. Everything is different than it was last year, and the way you’re choosing to celebrate the holidays this year is probably no exception. Your family might be ready to gather together for a special occasion, or you may be celebrating from a distance. If you’re choosing to continue to love on each other from afar, we’ve got a few tips to make this year’s holidays special in their own way.

Pre-game together.

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Trade recipes with family members so you can prepare each other’s specialties. Focus on the steps that come before eating, which are easier to bond over from a distance: Schedule calls for family members to help your child brainstorm the holiday menu and make a shopping list. Ask for a loved one’s favorite recipe, and video chat while you and your child test it out. As a bonus: This is a great way to get your child involved in the kitchen!

Coordinate a care-package exchange.

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This is especially effective if your households are scattered around the country—it would be really comforting to get some macadamia nuts from Hawaii or Vermont maple syrup delivered to your door. You’ll feel that much closer to your faraway family! If you’re lucky enough to live near your loved ones, you can drop off treats and supplies to help guests feel part of the fun. Drop off baked goods like pumpkin muffins, or make matching centerpieces for everyone to display on their holiday tables.

Try a new twist on a pot luck.

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Since you’ll all be dining as separate households, a traditional pot luck is out the window. But you can still ask every person to “bring” something of sentimental value to contribute – like a brief toast, favorite family photo or holiday song to share virtually. You can even screen-share an old funny or sweet candid video.

Give the kids an important role.

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During your holiday video chat, have your child host “opening” and “closing ceremonies.” Your child might want to kick things off with a song or prayer, and wrap up with a round of jokes or the latest TikTok dance. Whatever they choose to do, make sure they know they have free reign to be creative. With old traditions on hold, the possibilities are endless..and probably hilarious.

Give each other a peek into the festivities.

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Keep a Zoom conference going and coordinate your lunch or dinner times. You don’t have to be seated right in front of it (frankly we’re tired of that and you probably are too), but maybe have the camera positioned at your table or in the corner. You can check in from time to time and see how everyone’s meals are going. If your family has any traditions like a particular cocktail together, you can easily stream that.

Want to upgrade your dining setup to something more camera-ready? Check out the Ashley Aldwin, Liberty Candlewood, or Riverside Aberdeen collections—or see more of our dining room offerings here.

Celebrating From A Distance - Ashley Aldwin
Ashley Aldwin Dining Set
Celebrating From A Distance - Liberty Candlewood Dining Set
Liberty Candlewood Dining Set
Celebrating From A Distance - Riverside Aberdeen
Riverside Aberdeen Dining Set

Wind down with a movie.

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Stream a holiday- or other comfort-movie simultaneously–maybe something from your childhood. There’s no better way to gather together in your home than on a spacious, flexible living room set up. Personally we’re picturing the England Abbie, Jackson Grant or Ashley Tulen collections—but you can check out way more of what we have to offer here. End the night with a cozy drink–like our pumpkin spice hot cocoa recipe, here. The important thing is: Get comfy!

Celebrating From A Distance - England Abbie
England Abbie Living Room Set
Celebrating From A Distance - Jackson Grant
Jackson Grant Living Room Set
Celebrating From A Distance - Ashley Tulen Living Room Set
Ashley Tulen Living Room Set

It’s hard on everyone to skip favorite holiday traditions. But as with so much else during these strange times, we can try new, quarantine-friendly ideas to fill in for what we’ll miss. It may even add new meaning to your holiday—and make the next time we can get together that much more special.

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